

Lubricant Quality and Integrity
articles of interest

About Us

PQIA is an independent resource for information and insights on the quality of lubricants in the marketplace.

The mission of the organization is to educate and serve consumers of commercial, consumer, and industrial lubricants by monitoring and reporting on the quality of lubricants in the marketplace. PQIA's Guiding Principle is honesty, integrity and openness.

Educational in nature, PQIA conducts independent testing of lubricants in the market and provides consumers and end users with the data they need to make informed decisions about the quality of lubricants they purchase and use. PQIA’s Website, quality seminars, newsletter, and other distinguished programs provide access to the objective and pragmatic information consumer and end users need to assess lubricant quality.

What makes PQIA different

  • Random sampling
  • All results are published
  • We name names
  • All data is made public